>>> Μην με παρεξηγήσετε >>> αλλά ο τρόπος παρουσίασης από τα ΜΜΕ >>> του πολέμου στην Ουκρανία και των επιπτώσεών του >>> θυμίζει τηλεοπτική εκπομπή, με τοποθέτηση προϊόντος >>> και το προϊόν είναι το αμερικανικό LNG >>> το "καλό", το ακριβό, το αμερικάνικο LNG....

Τρίτη 17 Ιανουαρίου 2012

Fear that austerity is killing Greece’s economy

By Anthony Faiola
ATHENS — Deeply indebted and nearly bankrupt, this Mediterranean nation was forced to adopt tough austerity measures to slash its deficit and secure an international bailout. But as Greece’s economy slides into free fall, critics are scanning the devastated landscape here and asking a probing question: Does austerity really work?
Unemployment has surged to 18.8 percent from 13.3 percent only a year ago. Overburdened public hospitals
are facing acute shortages of everything from syringes to bandages because of budget cuts, with hiring freezes forcing the mothballing of operating rooms even as more unemployed are relying on the public health system. Rates of homelessness, suicide, crime and HIV cases from intravenous drug use are jumping.

Greece has been forced to cut spending and raise taxes in the middle of a severe downturn, slashing pensions as well as state salaries, jobs and services. As public confidence has evaporated, consumer spending — the biggest driver of the economy — has plunged, generating cascading losses at private firms. The result is a dizzying economic plummet and social crisis that is bringing the cradle of Western civilization to its knees.

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